Bothwell Chapel Registration

Basic Charges

Chapel (per day) - $500 *

* McKendree Faculty, Alumni, Staff and Students are eligible for a 50% discount.

Chapel fees include:

Organ (only with approved organist)
Bell Chime
Normal Lighting
Normal Custodial
Circuit Rider (for use in wedding preparation)
Additional 2 hours rehearsal time for weddings
Chapel Host/Hostess

Additional Charges

Services of McKendree Chaplain (if utilized) - $200

+ The Chaplain's fee must be paid at the time of the receipt of payment for the Chapel.

Technician up to 3 hours - $75

Each additional hour (approved in advance) - $25

Furnishings moved (i.e. piano) - Cost as incurred

Rental Fee

The full rental fee must be received at the time of booking the event.  Cancellations must be received 30 days prior to the event or the deposit will be forfeited.


The Chaplain is available to assist you in scheduling your wedding at The Bothwell Chapel.  You may contact the Chaplain, telephone (618) 537-6962, or (618) 537-6826 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  It is both wise and helpful to contact the Chaplain with questions well in advance of your planned event date. Please note, it is the responsibility of the party to arrange for services of the clergy, organist or piano accompanist, and vocalist and to make payment of their honoraria and fees on the day of rehearsal directly to them.

Reservation Confirmation

Reservations for The Bothwell Chapel are made in the order in which they are received.  Your reservation is only TENTATIVE until payment and reservation forms are received by the Chaplain’s office.  Following the original confirmation of plans, any future requests for changes in date or time must be made through the Chaplain and are subject to availability.  Bothwell Chapel is booked no more than one year prior to the event date.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be received 30 working days prior to the event or the deposit will be forfeited.

Officiating Clergy

Officiating Clergy providing service in Bothwell Chapel must meet with the approval of the Campus Chaplain.  It is the responsibility of the party to make arrangements to assure the officiate has been approved.  If the McKendree University Chaplain is utilized the above fees apply.


We strongly urge pre-marital counseling for all individuals planning to be married. Time spent receiving counseling is as important as time spent with other arrangements for the wedding.  Counseling arrangements are the couple’s responsibility.

Chapel Assistance

A Chapel Host/Hostess will be present during the rehearsal and wedding to provide assistance for basic operation of the building.  This individual will be available to answer questions related to the building usage, provide access to a telephone (if necessary) and chime the Chapel Bell.

Chapel Technology

If the use of any Chapel technology is required, it is the responsibility of the party to arrange for services of a “Chaplain approved technician” and to make payment of their fees on the day of rehearsal directly to them.


The Bothwell Chapel is equipped with an organ and a piano.  Our organ is an instrument with state of the art electronics that require special knowledge.  All organists must meet with the approval of the University organist, Dr. Nancy Ypma.  It is the responsibility of the party to make arrangements to assure the organist has been approved well prior to the event.


McKendree is served by Sodexo Marriott.  They have an “exclusivity” contract with McKendree. meaning that all food served on the McKendree campus must be provided by their catering services, contact Sodexo Marriott at 618-537-6985.

Other Details


The Chapel lends itself to simple floral and candle decorations.  Aisle runners are not to be used due to safety factors.  Please do not place decorations on the musical instruments and kindly refrain from altering existing sanctuary décor.

Removal of Decorations

Following the event it is the responsibility of the party to remove all decorations from the Chapel the same day of the event.  Since the Chapel is used for worship services and other activities, this is particularly important.

Additional cleaning fees of $40 will be assessed for events requiring more than normal pickup.

The Following Activities are Not Allowed on University Property

1.   Throwing of rice, birdseed, flower petals or confetti (Bubbles are acceptable as long as they are used outside of the building)

2.   Releasing of balloons

3.   Posting of signs on trees, lampposts, fences, buildings, street signs, etc.

Alcoholic Beverages

In keeping with McKendree policy, alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus at any time.

Site Visits

Couples are welcome to visit the Chapel before and after booking in order to finalize wedding plans.  Due to the tight schedule of the Chapel, couples are allowed one one-hour session with the Chaplain and must schedule these visits in advance.  Site visits may be scheduled Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays.


Please inform the Chaplain of any special or handicap parking needs.

Loss, Theft, or Injury

McKendree assumes no responsibility for loss, theft or personal injury.  Gifts and valuables should be removed from the building within one hour following the ceremony.

For more information on reserving Bothwell Chapel, please contact the Chaplain’s Office.

(618) 537-6962