CAB Coordinator Descriptions


All CAB Coordinator candidates who meet eligibility requirements (2.5 minimum cumulative GPA, full-time student at McKendree, at least freshman and above status; Lead Coordinator requires at least 2.75 minimum cumulative GPAsophomore status for the upcoming semester) are required to submit an application and interview (if required)  for the desired position.   Incoming first-year students who have not yet established a McKendree GPA with equivalent high school or junior college GPA are welcome to apply.  It is the candidate’s responsibility to make themselves available for an interview and submit all material in the application. After review of materials, selected candidates will be permitted to continue through the selection process. Our current selection process consists of:

  • Complete Online Application
  • Sign Up for Individual Interview
  • Receive Notice of Response
  • Submit signed contract or agreement if offered a position



  • Must be a full-time, traditional, undergrad student enrolled at McKendree University.
  • Previous experience in Campus Activities Board preferred, but not required.
  • Lead Coordinator must be at least Sophomore status at McKendree University.  All other coordinators may be at minimum, Freshman status.
  • Must have at least a 2.5 (Program Coordinator) or 2.75 (Lead Coordinator) cumulative grade point average at time of application and must maintain at least those minimums during employment.
  • This is a paid position and due to the required time commitment, Coordinators are encouranged to NOT hold another major leadership role (i.e. RA, president, vice-president, etc.) or paid on or off-campus position during the year in which you are selected to serve. We want to make sure that all commitments to our position are able to be managed without conflict. If you have a concern regarding potential conflicts, please seek clarification in your interview or by talking with the Director of Campus Activities.



CAB Coordinators are compensated for their work, leadership, and commitment as a staff member.

Federal Work study is preferred, however it is not required that staff members have Federal Work Study. As employees, students will be bound by McKendree student work guidelines and policies as well as those established by the Office of Campus Activities.  

The CAB Lead Coordinator will be compensated the current minimum wage amount to the set work study limit plus an additional $100 to be paid at the end of each full semester*.


*The Office of Campus Activities may dock pay, place a staff member on probation, or terminate employment under the following circumstances:

  • Failure of a staff member to carry out responsibilities and/or terms and conditions of his/her employment.
  • On-campus or off-campus conduct deemed inappropriate for a campus staff member, which includes violations of Residence Life or the Campus Judicial Policies and Regulations Document, and/or other McKendree University policies.
  • CAB Lead Coordinator additional pay will be prorated if selected beyond the start of the academic year.


CAB Coordinator positions offer students an amazing experience and opportunity to network with a variety of individuals, enhance their leadership skills, and build an incredible résumé!


Maintain availability for the following events:

Summer 2022*

  • (Possible) NACA Programming Board Institute – June 21-24 at DePaul University

Fall 2022 Semester*

  • New Student Orientation – August 17-20
  • Executive Board Training/Scheduling Retreat - dates TBA
  • Involvement Fair – August 26, 2022 (tentative)
  • Homecoming Week – October 24-29, 2022
  • Spring Schedule Preparation – dates TBA
  • NACA Conference (Ft. Wayne, IN) – October 20-22, 2022 (Attendees TBA)
  • Spring Schedule Finalization Deadline - dates TBA

Spring 2023 Semester*

    • CAB Spring Semester Preparation (Dates TBA)
    • Leadership Development Conference - (February 2023 tentative)
    • NACA National Convention in TBA**
    • Fall 2023 Schedule Preparation (April/May)
    • Spring Fling (April 2023, TBA)

Please note that some dates and activities may change due to budget concerns, Covid-19 specifications, or otherwise. In that event, sufficient notice will be given.

**Institutes are training opportunities hosted by our national organization.  Some fees are covered by the Office of Campus Activities.  All staff will not be required to attend.

Full descriptions of positions may be found online at:



The Lead Coordinator will serve as the official representative on select committees (ie. SGA meetings, RSO President’s Forums, Board of Trustees meetings, etc.). The Lead Coordinator is responsible and accountable for providing leadership in the development of a well-balanced Master calendar of programs that serve the needs and interests of the McKendree campus community. This position schedules and presides over the weekly meetings of CAB and acts as a liaison with other campus organizations. The Lead Coordinator makes sure scheduling deadlines are set and met and appropriate forms have been submitted.


Additional Duties:

  • Attends a majority of CAB events; assists with primary coverage at CAB sponsored events
  • Assists graduate assistants and Director of Campus Activities with the coordination of training and retreats.
  • Responsible for the organization of an annual end of the year banquet.
  • Prepares agendas and schedules weekly meetings with staff
  • Maintains a complete record of all CAB Events and Publicity; communication with agencies and vendors (Annual Binder)
  • Assists with the recruitment and selection of new Campus Activities Board Staff
  • Ensures that Executive Board members perform their duties in a satisfactory manner; conducts formal reviews of performance
  • Maintains the event and internal staff calendars, schedules and reserves rooms/spaces for events and meetings
  • Assists Director of Campus Activities with fund allocation and budget distribution
  • Serve as the Co-Op Buyer at specified conferences
  • Sets semester/yearly goals for CAB; conducts CAB event assessment and evaluation.
  • Oversee revisions and changes to the CAB Operations Manual
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of all CAB committees.
  • Other duties as assigned by the Director of Campus Activities





(Minimum requirements: Variety of Music and Comedy events through the semester)

This position is responsible for researching current music and comedy trends locally, regionally, and nationally to bring McKendree the very best in entertainment.



(Minimum requirements: Variety of travel/off-campus based events per semester)

Plans a wide range of "out of the box" events.  Many are generally random, low-budget activities that may involve food, creativity, and fun!  Recent events included:  Massage therapists, bingo nights,  Mario Day, Trap & Paint Night, National Pretzel Day, and others!     There may also be local area events or regional trips that appeal to on campus students as well as non-traditional students or those that are commuters. Many of the events may be free or at a discounted rate. 



(Minimum requirements: Variety of daytime, late night, and weekend events per semester)

Plan a number of late night events that may occur any day of the week.  The coordinator also plans a diverse variety of activities that occur specifically on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday each month.  Past late night and weekend events have included:  dance parties, snack events, bowling, trips to the zoo, sporting events, concerts, festivals, etc.,   We may also work with other campus groups and local businesses to provide collaborative entertainment.



(Minimum requirements: Variety of Issue-based and Culture Events per semester)

Issues and Culture programming can be serious, fun, educational, or a bit of all three! This coordinator strives to provide forums, lectures, and talks on a variety of issues and topics that challenge students' thinking. It may also focus on activities for and about other cultures, minority groups, or underrepresented populations. Our goal is to bring awareness to pressing issues on campus, locally, nationally, and internationally to expand students’ knowledge beyond the classroom.



(Minimum requirements: Traditional events; Variety of  Athletic-Based Event per semester; Larger scaled events programming)

We're all about tradition and plan some of the larger events that are available to McKendree students, faculty, staff, their families, and the Lebanon community. These are generally events that have been longstanding and unite tradition with memorable moments. The following events are the primary focus of the committee: Involvement Fair, Welcome Week, Fall Family Weekend, Homecoming Week, Finals Week Stress Fest (fall and spring), McKendree Idol, Spring Fling.



Promotes and publicizes various areas of the Campus Activities Office.  The coordinator produces a variety of creative materials through photos, social media, word of mouth and other means.  They play an important role in the branding and reach of the Campus Activities Board.  Creativity, good time management, social media platform knowledge, and planning skills are a must for this position as promotions should be planned from both long and short-term perspectives that allow for adequate publicity.