CAB Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What does CAB Stand for?

A: Campus Activities Board


Q: What does CAB do?

A: The Campus Activities Board plans and executes a number of events that appeal to the McKendree University community. Events may range from traditional, annual events like Fall Family Weekend, Homecoming Week, and Spring Fling to musicians, comedians, and speakers, etc. There’s always something to do at McKendree, and we’re a big part of it!


Q: Where is the Campus Activities Office located?

A: The Campus Activities Director’s Office and Student Office are located below the bookstore in The Lair.


Q: When is the office open?

A: Generally the office is open from 8:00am until 5:00pm Monday-Friday. CAB Executive Board members are scheduled for in-office times throughout the week.


Q: Does it cost anything to join CAB?

A: It does not cost any money to join CAB.


Q: What is the time commitment for CAB?

A: General staff members are committee member volunteers who are able to assist as their time permits.  They are the heart of our organization and we offer a variety of perks for their dedication.  Coordinator positions are paid leadership positions that require more of a time commitment.  All staff members assist with the selection, promotion, set up, and tear down of events. 


Q: How can I be a CABbie?

A: We have a quick info form on our Join the Staff page. Our staff help out in the various stages of the event planning process – from brainstorming ideas to actually implementing them. Experience isn’t necessary, we just ask that you be interested in helping provide fellow students with awesome programs.


At the end of each semester, recruitment begins. Descriptions and applications are found on the Join the Staff page. Recruitment may also occur if there are vacancies.


Q: By the way… What’s a CABbie?

A: CABbies are the students who participate in Campus Activities Board.


Q: When does CAB meet?

A: We plan to meet every other week at TBA. Staff may schedule an alternate day to meet and discuss upcoming events.


Q: I have class/practice during this time. Can I still be involved?

A: Absolutely! If you cannot make a meeting, stop by the office and one of our staff will be happy to get you the information you need.


Q: How does CAB Choose events?

A: This is done in a few ways: we ask our students what types of events they like, our staff may attend conferences to view performers, etc., and we brainstorm as a staff. Generally, we choose our fall semester events in the spring and our spring semester events in the fall, so we typically plan things a semester ahead.


Q: How does being in CAB benefit me?

A: Being a part of CAB as a staff member helps build many skills like leadership, time management, accountability, planning, decision making, and budgeting. Coordinators receive work study or a stipend for their efforts. Overall, there is a satisfaction in knowing that through your participation, you are creating memories not only for yourself, but for many other people on our campus!