VOMO Free Mobile App for Service Hours


VOMO is a free mobile app in which students, faculty and staff member users can find volunteer opportunities, as well as log and track their service hours.

“This customized platform will serve as our volunteer hub, connecting our students, faculty and staff to a host of opportunities that are managed and rewarded. We all want to make a difference but sometimes we are unsure how to put that into action. The VOMO app can help you build your volunteer résumé.”

In three clicks, a user can view volunteer service opportunities not only within the university but also with nonprofit partners. VOMO users can earn incentives such as ebooks and gift certificates for meals and shopping.

By downloading the app, you can join our organization by typing in our code, which is MCKENDREE in all caps.

Website link: https://app.vomo.org/org/mckendree-university

Video link: https://vimeo.com/302098503