Student Organization Forms and Policies


Interested in starting an organization on campus?  Are you already an RSO or an Advisor that needs forms, or information on upcoming events for RSO's?  Here is the place to start.  Please check this page often for updates!

Advisor Information

Role of the Advisor Checklist

Defining the Role of the Advisor

RSO Evaluation of Advisor

Advisor Self-Evaluation

Do's and Dont's

RSO Travel Registration Packet

Student Travel Waiver Form


McKendree Advisor's Handbook (Updates Pending Spring 2021)

Leadership Resources

New Member Orientation

Officer Transitions

Tools for Effective Leaders


Goal Setting


Productive Meetings


More Recruitment Tips

Rewards and Recognition

Team Building

Time Management

Taking Meeting Minutes


Important Dates, Meetings, and Workshops

* Event information subject to updates and changes