Path to Graduation

This web page is meant to help students and parents understand the requirements for graduation, the McKendree University structure and the various components of a degree program.


Path to Graduation

Click HERE for a one-page, concise, straight-forward guide to reaching the goal of earning your degree!

Click HERE for a lesson on how to read those all-important course descriptions in the catalog.


University Structure: Schools & Divisions

    • McKendree University is divided into a College and three Schools:

      • College of Arts and Sciences

      • School of Business

      • School of Education

      • School of Nursing and Health Professions.

    • The various divisions and their associated degree programs fall under one of these four entities.There are some inter-disciplinary majors which fall under two or more schools.

    • Click HERE for a listing of each of the schools, and the divisions, majors and degrees which are related to each of them.



    • Each student pursues a particular degree.

    • McKendree University awards the following undergraduate degrees:

      • Bachelor of Arts (BA)

      • Bachelor of Science (BS)

      • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

      • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

      • Bachelor of Music Education (BME)

      • Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED)

      • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) – this is an RN to BSN program; prospective students must have an RN to be accepted

    • With the exception of Economics, Mathematics, Biopsychology, and Biology, each major is associated with one degree. (Students may pursue either a BA or a BS in Mathematics and Biology and either a BA or a BBA in Economics.)


Academic Degree Programs

    • A student’s program title is the combination of the degree plus the major, for example, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (BA.PSY), Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing (BBA.MKT), etc.

    • A student’s program is composed of at least two parts:

      • the general education core

      • a major

    • If a student chooses to pursue a second major and/or a minor, the second major and/or minor are also added to the degree program.
    • Each student must complete all of the requirements for the general education core and all of the requirements associated with their major (and any additional majors or minors).

    • The general education core is the same for all students except education students. Education students must complete the elementary or secondary education core.


Program Evaluations

    • Each student has access to his/her Program Evaluation via

    • The program evaluation is a list of every course the student must take to complete his/her degree program.

    • It also keeps track of the total number of hours, institutional hours, and upper level hours.


Four-Year Planning Sheets and General Education CheckSheets

    • Four-year planning sheets are available for every major. They outline suggested courses for every semester. Be sure to select your correct catalog year (the year you started at McKendree). Click HERE to access the planning sheets.

    • General education check sheets list the requirements for the general education core. The second page contains a list of courses that fulfill each requirement. Be sure to select your correct catalog year (the year you started at McKendree). If you are an Education major, be sure to select one of the education core sheets. Click HERE to access the check sheets.