Course Objectives Repository

The following is a repository of McKendree University undergraduate courses organized by subject. Click on the subject/course prefix to download a list of included courses and their associated objectives and topics, where available. 




Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Accounting (ACC)

Aerospace Studies (AES)

Anthropology (ANT)

Art (ART)

Athletic Training (ATH)

Biology (BIO)

Business Administration (BUS)

Cyber Defense (CBD)

Chemistry (CHE)

Communication (COM)

Computing (CSI)

Economics (ECO)

Endorsement in Reading (EDR)

Education (EDU)

English (ENG)

Environmental Studies (ENS)

Entrepreneurship (ENT)

Earth Science (ES)

Fine Arts (FA)

Economics and Finance (ECO/FIN)

Foreign Language Special Topics (FLS)

Forensic Studies (FOR)

French (FRE)

Global Studies (GLS)

Greek (GRK)

Healthcare Management (HCM)

History (HIS)

Honors Program (HON)

Health (HPE)

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Leadership Studies (LDR)

Legal Studies (LGS)

Library (LIB)

Management (MGT)

Marketing (MKT)


Mathematics (MTH)

Music Ensembles (MUE)

Music Education (MUED)

Music Lessons (MUL)

Music (MUS)

Nursing (NSG)

Physical Education (PED)

Philosophy (PHI)

Physics (PHY)

Political Science / International Relations (PSI)

Psychology (PSY)

Religious Studies (REL)

Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCL)

Sociology (SOC)

Spanish (SPA)

Special Education (SPE)

Sport Management (SPM)

Social Science (SSC)

Study Abroad (STA)

Theatre (THE)

University Courses (UNI)