Digital Signage

Digital signs around campus inform students, faculty, staff, and visitors about the University and McKendree-sponsored events. Information displayed includes (but is not limited to): programs, meetings and activities; campus news; important current events; campus facts and emergency messages. This outlet is in addition to the “labvertising” displayed in the computer labs.

University departments and student organizations should submit a digital copy of the artwork to University Communications and Marketing via the online form. Approval must be completed two business days prior to the starting run date. If the design is not approved your group's ad will not appear.

The approved message will run no more than 14 days prior to the event date.  Groups should only have one active sign at a time. Please be considerate of the public and shared nature of this very useful advertising space.

Please consult the brand standards guide, design tips and the policy before submitting artwork for the digital signs.